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Chemical Peels

You may be wondering, what is           a chemical peel?

Sun exposure, acne or just getting older can leave your skin tone uneven, wrinkled, spotted or scarred. If you want your skin to look smoother and younger, consider a chemical peel, which uses a 
chemical solution to smooth the texture of your skin by removing the damaged outer layers.
A chemical peel, also called chemexfoliation or derma peeling, is one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of your skin. Although chemical peels are used mostly on the face, they can also be used to improve the skin on your neck and hands.
You  can improve:
1. Acne or acne scars
2. Age and liver spots
3. Fine lines and wrinkles
4.  Freckles
5. Irregular skin pigmentation
6. Rough skin and  scaly patches
7. Scars
8. Sun-damaged skin

The amount of improvement varies and depends upon the initial condition of the patient's skin. Significant improvement of damaged skin has been achieved, which can produce dramatic results. Contact Piel Bella Day Spa today and experience the proven results that chemical peels can provide. Don't delay! Give us a call  today to see if you are a candidate for a chemical peel 
                 Chemical  Acid Peel                 


This advanced exfoliation chemical peel treatment delivers dramatic 
results. Aids in evening skin discoloration, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, acne breakouts and pigmentation. Renews healthy cells leaving skin with a vibrant glow.

 Add a European Facial for only $15 


Peels we  offer: Call me for information on various Peels.
AHA's  Peel 
We Offer The following Peels

Acid Peel 
20% Acne Peel
Acid Peel
Jessner Peel

Skin Treatments
Electrical current encourages deep exfoliation eliminating congestion and skin impurities. 
Ideal in treating acne 
Add a European Facial for only $15 more

         1 Treatment          
3  Treatment Package 
                6  Treatment Package                   


What Is  Microdermabrasion? 
Microdermabrasion is a mini-procedure that exfoliates the skin using aluminum oxide crystals. These mild abrasives remove the upper layer of skin along with dead skin cells. This process promotes the 
production of new cells in the basal (deepest) layer of the dermis. 
Microdermabrasion cleans pores and can hinder any future breakouts if used on a regular basis. It also stimulates collagen to further even out skin texture and appearance.

Are You a Candidate for  Microdermabrasion? 
The best candidates for microdermabrasion  are individuals with acne prone and blotchy skin, small scars, rhytides  (wrinkles), keratosis, large pores, milia (non-inflamed whiteheads caused by keratin-clogged pores), or sebaceous hyperplasia. Microdermabrasion is also useful in eliminating the appearance of sun damage or uneven texture. 

Microdermabrasion is not recommended for those who have 
active keloids, undiagnosed lesions, recent herpes outbreaks, warts, active,  weeping acne (stages 3-4), active rosacea, unstable diabetes or auto-immune system disorders. 

Does Microdermabrasion  Hurt? 
Microdermabrasion does not hurt and is sometimes likened to the feel of a cat licking your face. The patient normally "works up" to a  level as they go to increase the penetration to the skin. Your skin may feel a little hot and appear a little pink for the first day. 

Preparing for Your Treatment 
There  really is no preparation, although you should not be on Retin A or have undergone Glycolic Acid or Lactic Acid peels, etc. 2 to 3 days beforehand, as this can irritate your skin and make it very sensitive. However, some skin specialists may instruct you to do so if they deem this process beneficial to your skin. 

Also refrain from getting any sunburn or windburn beforehand for the very same reason. You don’t want to damage your skin further with microdermabrasion - you want to repair it or lessen the visual damage. 

Your Microdermabrasion Treatment 
Patients have attributed the sensation of a microdermabrasion treatment to a slight windburn. Depending upon the level that  you wish to reach, the discomfort is usually quite minimal, if at all. The treatments typically last 40 minutes for the face. 

Microdermabrasion Treatments


1 Treatment                                                       $80 
3 Treatment Package                                 $225        
6 Treatment Package                                 $405                
Body Microdermabrasion Treatments Minimize unsightly stretch marks, pigmentation and scars all over the body

    15 Minutes                                               $35

    30 Minutes                                              $55        


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